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These are two of the 17 taggers made in fibreglass, a new model is in progress at the moment will post when the MDF model is built.
NEW: Domination Game Box July 2013
A Milestag UMT board running modified software to act as a
domination tube. Two 7 segment displays are used to count red and blue team
wins. RGB leds are used to indicate current team also sound effects. Thanks to Tony at www.tagbits.co.uk for modifying the board.
Video: http://youtu.be/oishOrA3MSs
Video: http://youtu.be/oishOrA3MSs
Airsoft Conversion Conversion Video May 2013
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nee0licO2XM
Fit this simple conversion into your MilesTag umt or core board.
New: Multi-Game Box
Video at: http://youtu.be/tQ64PkoF8ow June 2013
Short video showing how we re-cased Lasergame Berlin's Multi-Box into a Waterproof Peli-Case, just to give you guy's an idea what you can do with it. The Multi-Box has built in Domination Game / Laser Bomb Mode with IR Radiation Emiters / Ammo /Respawn /Health / Flag Station and act as a Team Base, it also collect's Scoring Data. Sold by www.lasergame-berlin.de
New Video: http://youtu.be/EHyEJRjQHLM 2014 Game in Play
Fibreglass taggers just from the mould.
This is a list of what you need, don't need many tools for fibreglassing, but you'll need a mouse sander and a good knife for finishing off, check out my blog for the how to videos. Do not buy epoxy resin or woven mat.
My Videos show you everything else.
Shopping list
450g (1.5 oz) Chopped Strand Matting-3 kg / 6.6 sq mt £10.95 Not woven
Chopped Strands - 6 mm-5 KG £15.50 If can't get, order more mat then use Sissors cut
General purposeployester Resin - (including catalyst)- 2 x 5Kg £30.00 Not epoxy
Polyester Gel-Coat - RAL 7024 graphite grey-2.5 KG £16.95 Whatever colour you like
Blue Matt PVA Release Agent-1 Lt £5.95 Matt let you see when its dry
Extra Catalyst/hardner - Medium Reactivity - MEKP-1 Kg £6.00 Also need for cleaning brushes
Honeywax 14 oz Tin-1 Tin £12.25 Most waxes will do
Nitrile Gloves 100 Large-Pack of 100 £4.99 Maybe think about a mask for the dust
Wooden Spatula mixing sticks-Box of 100 £2.98 Save using the wifes kitchen stuff
1" wooden handle brushes- 2 x Boxes of 12 £6.40 Found this size best for tagger building
Sub Total: £111.97
I also used a colour pigmet in each resin mix to keep the colour running through the whole tagger, this helps stop showing any scratches on the tagger. S00g tin about £8.00 Just need a very small bit on the end of the mixing stick for each mix Also Flex additive if you can get if as this makes the tagger less prone to chips.
This amount should make 10-12 Taggers plus one mold, divide if you intend to make less, this works out just over £10 per case base on UK prices. Hope this is what your looking for. Scorpy
Did you purchase pre-tinted gelcoat or tint yourself? Pretinted gelcoat is very expensive here in the states, $30+ for a quart. I was thinking of going with just black which I can get a quart of for $14+s&h.(would need 2). Prices for these supplies are way higher in the us.. is flex additive a must? I can't find it anywhere in the states.
ReplyDeleteJarian, I use pre-coloured gelcoat, the flex ad is not necessary, just go easy on the hardener when you mix, only thing I would recommend that after the gelcoat the mold is tack dry try and use chopped strands of fibreglass for the first layer as this beds in better, if you can't get it over there, just spend 15mins chopping up some matting with scissors about 5-10mm pieces. Bruch the gelcoat with a layer of resin then sprinkle over the chopped strands over the gelcoat. Hope this helps, good luck with your build. Scorpy
DeleteThanks for the help, how did you secure the two sections together? I heard you say something about plastic screws? Did you use a bolt/nut or a screw? How did you keep it from protruding through the other side?
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ReplyDeletePlastic bolts and nuts, made a small round recess for each bolt on the model before moulding the fibreglass part then just drill out the hole in the fibreglass then attach the bolts don't need many, butt/handle/magand two at each side of the rail,, the pipe for the lens holds the front bit. Scorpy
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ReplyDeleteZone Laser Tag is the world’s largest designer and manufacturer of laser tag systems. Our best-selling systems are innovative, reliable and consistently above and beyond the competition. The Zone Laser Tag gaming experience is built on 27 years of thrilling kids and adults in over 850 locations worldwide.
Read more: http://www.playzonelaser.com